Happy 20plenty from 3099m above the clouds

Happy 20plenty from 3099m above the clouds

Over a month ago I received this calling to spent my New Years in a cave in the Drakensberg. I didn’t know why, but I trusted. This pic captured one of the many moments that made this adventure one of the most remarkable spiritual journeys of my life. Who would’ve...

20plenty, I am ready for you

20plenty, I am ready for you

You sneaky delicious organic spinach (from our land here at #soulvalley), little did I know that your leafy wisdom would help me greatly with my desire to encapsulate this year into words that would actually pay homage to it all... How did so much happen in just...

Present moment, I love you

Present moment, I love you

About to unplug myself for this final phase of TwentySHINEteen and deeply feel something huge is still to come through for me before this chapter closes. It’s been an insane year... completely off the charts... and I know 20plenty will be the beginning of an abundant...



Here’s to radical self-expression. Thanks TwentyGREATeen , you were my best year yet, and welcome TwentySHINEteen. For me last year was a powerful transformation that I’ll always remember in the spirit of the butterfly. Without realizing, my journey took me to 16...

I am not who I think I am

I am what I do. And currently I feel the least authentic to my soul for as long as I can remember. I am not doing what I feel like doing. Well, I'm in Cartagena learning Spanish and helping my friend Pablo with his new hostel. And yes, that's totally aligned with my...

Spending election-time in Kenya

Spending election-time in Kenya

The whole of last week felt like a holiday. All our kids are at home, school closed last Tuesday, almost no traffic on the roads, everything quite. It's a nice opportunity to spent more time with the kids. The national re-elections in Kenya happened last Thursday 26th...

My current morning routine in Kenya

My current morning routine in Kenya

What a beautiful start into the day. When I start my days as I intended to, it's almost like I'm wearing different glasses. My attitude towards everything in the morning hours is defined by how I wake up. If I have the feeling of accomplishment early in the morning,...

Going full-time Crypto

Going full-time Crypto

Jeeessssss time flies! I'm now back in Kenya since almost a week. How is that even possible. Wow. I've been keeping up my writing but more in private than in public. Though I also need to admit that I am behind with like 6k words. Which is so so. In that regard I...

Control Your Reactions, Control Your Life

Control Your Reactions, Control Your Life

Yesssssaaa. I'm falling behind with my 1k words daily. Been busy the last days and couldn't really execute my morning routine. Too late to bed, and early rising due to appointments. But, so much happening and I love it! As I wrote a few days ago I had to spent this...

Challenging my ego

Challenging my ego

Something happened yesterday and today within me. As if the conclusion I drew on Saturday doesn't satisfy me. I had doubts if I am actually good in the area of marketing and strategy. It's fear trying to influence me. But maybe it's also intuition. Though this could...

Bad day! And why I enjoyed it

Bad day! And why I enjoyed it

Yeah. Everything happens for a reason. And today the universe really kicked my ass. The worst, I kinda knew it was going to happen. So, did I manifest it? Dang, I need to be way more careful with my thoughts. What happened. Well, basically I came to Berlin (5 long...

Happy Birthday! 2018 Goals: Project #FF29

Happy Birthday! 2018 Goals: Project #FF29

This is it! Yesterday was my very last day that I was 28 years old on the 28th of a month. And today is my only birthday in which my age matches the day of my birthday. It's the 29th of September and you can guess how old I am now. That's apparently called your "crown...

Finding my way again

Finding my way again

I'm only one day away from my 29th birthday. Today I started to implement my routines again. After the typhoid infection I haven't had the energy for quite a while but now I feel great again. I am back! I started the morning late. Slept over 1,5 hours longer than...

Is Bitcoin a commodity?

Is Bitcoin a commodity?

Right now, what's going on in the world's financial markets, including crypto, is insanity. All indicators are screaming bubble and yet, there's no way it all can crash together. There's big big money out there. Not just credit, but actual (fiat) money. If something...

Designing the next chapter of my life

Designing the next chapter of my life

Interesting days. Today I've been on a 22 hour water fast. I really needed that. Have been thinking about it since weeks but didn't find the right time. Or motivation I guess. But now I'm back. My willpower is strong and my bodies energy probably at 95%. All in line...

Do not fear. You are the architect.

Do not fear. You are the architect.

This is ridiculous. I've had a couple of great catch-ups with friends across the world during the last days. We talked about the last couple of months since our last contact, but also about where we are at and where we want to go. Somehow this idea of making a million...

The dark years

The dark years

If you've done some research in the area of entrepreneurship and success you will eventually have come across the term "dark years". People who have achieved greatness have gone through years of grinding and hard work. Sometimes they basically lived in their garage....

Millionaire by the age of 30

Millionaire by the age of 30

Here we go. For whatever reason I've this goal in my mind and I'm eager to follow through with it. It bothers me that it's a financially driven goal but I'll find my way around it. At least the financial side makes it rational and trackable. I can build a plan around...

1826 Days Later

1826 Days Later

It's been a ride. That's for sure. And even though it feels like an eternity, I know it's just been the very beginning of... this... my life. Today, 5 years ago, I touched African soil here in Kenya for the very first time. And what happened since then almost seems...

I am not who I think I am

I am not who I think I am

This might seem a bit of a random order, but I've to plug this here just now. I'm back in Cape Town since 20th March, after an epic experience with Nomad Convoy. After recovering for a week or so, I flew to Durban to become a Secret Sunrise Instructor. We had an...

2017 – The Year of infinite possibilities

2017 – The Year of infinite possibilities

It's been just over a month that we are in 2017, but things fall faster into place than I can keep track of.  I want to take a little moment to reflect on January and to drive my vision for the rest of the year. At least as far as I can imagine it for now.   The...

We are living in the best time of human history

We are living in the best time of human history

“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.” – Warren G. Bennis, University of Southern California professor of business...

Beyond wealth in the now

Beyond wealth in the now

My life being a rollercoaster of learning and loving. It's hard to comprehend how wealthy some of us really are.  What was given to me in those past years is of priceless nature. No money, no gold, nothing in this world can measure it. And knowing this, I am beyond...

My 2017 forecast

My 2017 forecast

My 2017 forecast I know I've absolute incredible friends around the world, doings lots of very different but somehow specific things and I also know that I've never been "THE GUY" for something specific. So for me it's always hard to answer the question "What are you...

I did it again. Co-Founder.

I did it again. Co-Founder.

Life goes funny ways doesn't it. I've had the absolute honor to spent the last week with incredible human beings in beautiful nature. There literally no place on this very planet where I would've rather spent New Years then in Wild Spirit in Natures Valley, South...

We are on full steam!

We are on full steam!

Damn I should try to update this blog more often, especially after I write about bad news! Because mostly things change for the good very quickly and it's a shame if one reads only the bad things 😉 I'm now back in the mother city Cape Town and I love it! I really...

Time of reckoning for Nomad Convoy

Time of reckoning for Nomad Convoy

Wow, seems like a lot of people started to look at this blog when researching Nomad Convoy. I didn't really expected that to happen but anyways. We've nothing to hide. I like transparency, though I understand that most people don't expected this kind of insight into a...

A strong foundation

A strong foundation

I'm having a hard time to put into words what happened in the last week. Since we started this non-profit organization back in January 2015 I've been trying to stay under the radar here in Kisumu for most of the time. My reason for that was that I didn't want to...

Screw it, let’s do it!

Screw it, let’s do it!

I'm glad I just read Richard Branson's book "Screw it, let's do it". That man faced way bigger challenges than the ones I'm currently struggling with and he made it through all of them. What a legend. At the same time I'm reading "the ONE thing". Both books are...

Time to renegotiate

Time to renegotiate

So my mom had to cancel her trip. Shit happens. We will have an even better time next year in April. At least that's the idea for now. I'm here at my friend Bery (www.berysplace.org) on the Ssese islands in Uganda. Beautiful place and every time again I'm astonished...

What ever can happen, will happen…

What ever can happen, will happen…

Of course shit like to hit the fan. All at once. Whenever possible. And, if you aren't prepared for it because you live in a positive thinking dream, then... it might hit you harder then necessary. Well, it just hit me hard but somehow I'm already over it. Everything...

I’ve a business

I’ve a business

A few days ago we finally opened the ticket sales and we sold 4 tickets immediately. But then it slowed down. People are unsure. Not motivated enough to overcome their fears. Overthinking it. I'm creating this incredible tour.. and it's going to be life-changing and...

Shit is hitting the f@cking fan!

Shit is hitting the f@cking fan!

Holy fuck. Sorry for swearing so much. It kinda helps though. So here is what happened. Yesterday I finally send out the prices to our applicants for nomad convoy. And I was really hoping to get very good feedback. And I did get some really good feedback. But then...

Just be yourself

Just be yourself

During the last few days I tried to figure out the way "to sell" the tickets for Nomad Convoy. With help from my good friend Tanveer I tried to structure myself and the whole marketing process. We worked it all out. The email collection, the follow up autoresponder...

Being alone in Chiang Mai

Being alone in Chiang Mai

One of my favorite cities in the world. Life is just really good out here in Chiang Mai. Cost of living is low, food is incredible and lots of good people around. And I'm leaving again in 11 days... I've a flight to Hong Kong on the 1st Nov. and I'm still hoping to...

Exhausted from Bangkok

Exhausted from Bangkok

I'm having a weird phase. Feeling very much down and uncomfortable. And obviously I am after 5 days of meetings, networking and socializing on 2 big conferences (Sustainable Brands & DCBKK). I'm writing those lines from a Coffee Shop in Central Plaza, Bangkok. It...

Hugs from Ubud, Bali

Hugs from Ubud, Bali

I didn't even take the time to write here since almost 3 weeks. Wow. What does that mean for me? I almost feel like I keep myself busier then I actually am. Like as if I try to fill the day with work to feel good. I know there is truth on it. I pressure myself to work...

This might sound nuts..

This might sound nuts..

I don't know exactly what happened but somehow I've a shit load of work ahead of me. Or actually, on my desk, right now. From not knowing what to do next to full schedule in a few days. What the heck. First of all I've to announce that nomadconvoy.co is in the...



I'm SO FIRED UP!! 🙂 Ha! After months of trying to figure out what I should put my time into financially, I finally found it and hell I'm excited! I've been working on my multi-level marketing business since a few days now and the first results start to roll in! The...

Plan locked in – Back to Africa in November

Plan locked in – Back to Africa in November

Alright folks, finally things are getting a bit structured again. I looked up fight options for my mom to come to Uganda/ Kenya in November and she literally walked into a travel agency and booked. With that my plan for the next month has a fixed part again and it...

Finding the sweet spot

Finding the sweet spot

  Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time. - Pablo Picasso

Learn to f@cking say NO

Learn to f@cking say NO

Chiang Mai, Thailand. One day I will read back on this and laugh. Seriously. How man posts did I write already that talked about making a decision. And still I'm here, in the same shitty situation. Not knowing what next. Though I've ideas. Plenty. But they are worth...

Make a decision damn it

Make a decision damn it

Yangon, Myanmar Again the insecurities arise. I just arrived back in Yangon and went to the B&B backpackers which has this awesome rooftop place. I just wanted to check prices and options to get to Thailand and it worked out well. I'll leave tonight to the Thai...

The future is nothing but uncertain

The future is nothing but uncertain

Inle Lake, Myanmar. Another day in paradise. The more I see of our world the more it becomes clear how beautiful it is all around. It seems the exceptions of natures beauty are places destroyed or manipulated by humans. Some places might be more beautiful than others...

What to do next when the possibilities seem endless?

What to do next when the possibilities seem endless?

What to do next. That's always the big question most globetrotters have to ask themselves. It's a never ending pursuit of the next thing and it can become really tiresome. I've been trying to find my next big goal for a while now. A goal gives you a direction to...

Reflection after 10 Days Vipassana

Reflection after 10 Days Vipassana

I’m sitting in a cafe in a mall in Yagon. About an hour ago I left the group to be by myself for a while. We will meet at 4 pm to take a night bus to Bagan. Originally I planned to stay one night in Yagon before moving on but somehow I got convinced or convinced...

Thoughts from the Boarding Area

Thoughts from the Boarding Area

Almost boarding time for my second flight today. I arrived about one hour ago from Chiang Mai and now just about to board for Yangon, Myanmar. In Chiang Mai I bought a new book at the airport. It just sucked me in. I enjoy investing into myself at the little bookshop...

Off to Myanmar

Off to Myanmar

I was a bit quite during the last days but lots of stuff happened. On Monday I moved out of my friends apartment and into a hostel. Quite a change. I knew I felt way too comfortable in that apartment and being back in a  dormitory brought me back to reality. I'm...

Documentation vs Content Creation

Documentation vs Content Creation

Gary nails it. Here's what I got out of it: The world doesn't need another copy of "Tony Robbins" (he's a legend anyways) as much as it needs people who are authentic and showing/ documenting where they are and how they overcome their struggles. People like me, who...

I want my mom to be happy

I want my mom to be happy

I just listened to the Tim Ferris Show. Tim had Tony Robbins as a guest and it's been a really powerful episode. Somehow it made me think about what I really want in life and there is one thing that always pops up. I want my mom to be happy. I love you mom...

Top tips to live long and healthy

Top tips to live long and healthy

Yay the first post in regards to health. It's a topic I really seek deeper understanding in. It's so important for everything. Our bodies are the only vehicles we will ever have (as far as science goes today) and if we trash them, we will live either just short or...

Yet another shiny thing – Amazon FBA

Yet another shiny thing – Amazon FBA

Alright. This is starting to get a bit too much. Maybe. Yesterday a guy whom I met 2 years ago here in Chiang Mai contacted me. He told me that he's going to see his homie in Kenya so I became curious. Turns out he's doing a really cool TV podcast on youtube and I...

For anyone coming across this blog

For anyone coming across this blog

Yesterday I told a good friend about this blog and I didn't think much about it. But now I feel a bit weird. Not sure why. I mean, it's like a brain dumb for me. Mixed with a journal. So inarguably quite some private stuff I'm talking about. That said, I don't care...

A person I truly admire

A person I truly admire

Last night I came across some photos posted by a friend whom I admire. But even more eye-opening was that he now seemed to work for a person I incredible admire. I started to think about that person and why I admire him so much. He seems to have the perfect life. At...

Last night I felt like being social

Last night I felt like being social

Last nights beer & entrepreneur meetup at Beer Lab turned out to be interesting and inspiring in many ways. I passed by to see if anyone was there and when I saw a good group of new people I decided to stay. Even though I haven't had dinner yet. Something urged me...

Living long and great – Kekich Credos

Living long and great – Kekich Credos

1. People will do almost anything to stay in their comfort zones. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone. Strive to increase order and discipline in your life. Discipline usually means doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. The easy...

Stop complaining and start doing

Stop complaining and start doing

Just to remind myself.. "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great". - Zig Ziglar Get started!! Stop feeling pity for yourself! Stop complaining and start doing!

Does my volunteer program actually add value?

Does my volunteer program actually add value?

Things turning bad today. Someone commented on my Africa travel video on youtube saying that she added it to her 10 must see videos before traveling Africa. So I check out her website and came across an article she wrote about volunteering. Or better said, why you...

Building a Green School in Kenya

Building a Green School in Kenya

Back in January 2015 the original idea, to help the Korando Educational Center in Kenya, was to replace their temporary school structures with permanent buildings. Shouldn't cost that much I thought. You see it all the time that people build "schools" for $25,000 to...

My podcast is dying..

My podcast is dying..

Ugh, almost 3 weeks since I published the last episode. Can't believe it. And now that I'm off to Myanmar I won't be able to record anymore episodes. I really need to think about this. I know I want to continue it. I enjoyed it so much. Not sure what happened. Maybe...

It’s coming full circle

It’s coming full circle

Alright, thanks to my mentor Tai I just came across a guy from New Zealand called Sam Ovens. A self-made millionaire in 4 years. And of course he's selling something. In this case, a course on how to become a six to seven figure consultant. So I went and checked him...

Talking about shiny things

So here is what happened. I booked my flights and I'm all sorted and ready to go for Myanmar. Not sure yet for how long I'll go and I might also just head over to Siam Reap and explore Cambodia for a little bit. Anyhow, so my friend just told me about his new job with...

Decision made. Next stop is Myanmar (Burma)

Finally made a decision. Good feeling! It's always like that. Once you made the freakin decision the world is back in order. I've to learn to make my decisions faster. My mentor Tai Lopez calls it the 40/70 rule. Once you've 40% of the possible information it's time...

The next shiny thing

Maybe I'm not just jumping on the next shiny thing all the time, but make a rational decision. The only rational decision to make when you have new data, is to change your mind. - Chris Young Considering the amount of knowledge I consume everyday, it makes sense to...


Might just had a light bulb flashing on. With all the knowledge, experience and skills I have and knowing that I love to talk to people. That I love to figure out problems and that I've a great sense for details I might just be the ideal consultant. Seriously....

Staying humble

I just woke up after a bit more than 6 hours of sleep. That's because I only went to bed at around 2 AM. Every couple of weeks or so my mummy and me have a long phone call to catch up. Last night took 2 hours. I really enjoy those calls especially because she keeps...

Might head to Australia!

Yeah my mind is a complete mess and I keep jumping on the next shining thing. But at least I know about it. I'm pretty good in observing myself to a certain degree. Anyways, I was just listening to the Tim Ferris Show #173 with Chris Young from Chefsteps. He said...

Time for a reset

Time for a reset

Finally a place to breath. I was thinking about this for such a long time that it's really a breath of fresh air coming along my why now. This blog will be just about me and my personal thoughts about life and our world. I'm just about to head out to grab some food....