I’ve a business

By Torsten


October 30, 2016

A few days ago we finally opened the ticket sales and we sold 4 tickets immediately. But then it slowed down. People are unsure. Not motivated enough to overcome their fears. Overthinking it.

I’m creating this incredible tour.. and it’s going to be life-changing and absolute epic. But now my biggest challenge seems to be the selling part. Though at the end it’s a numbers game, as my friend said. Drive more traffic, make more sales. I really don’t like to see it that way, but he’s right. There’s only a tiny percentage of people who want to do what I offer, at exact that time, for exact that price etc. You’ve to filter out all the others who aren’t ready for this yet.

So our Facebook ads are up and our back-end automation brings everyone right to the application. From there on I’ll take care of it personally. Once they are approved we give them access to our tickets.

So far so good.

Still I’m stressed and anxious. This is a lot of pressure. Especially the fear of failure. Not failure in terms of the actual tour, but in terms of getting customers.

I know what my abilities are. And I’ve an incredible team that will help me to make this memorable.

But I’ve no experience in selling.

That’s my challenge. Get people to put the money down. I’ve to make them feel safe and taken care of.

Another thought that crossed my mind is my target audience. I feel like the type of people I target, the ones who make reasonable good money, they don’t want to do a camping tour. Even if it’s a comfortable one. But Africa is expensive and if we would stay in rooms for the trip, the price would double. That’s just nuts.

Pff…. not an easy one.

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  1. Jf Brou

    Hey Torsten, I register to the trip to be able to talk to you. I know how to help you and I want to do it for some reasons I can tell you via a skype call. Hit me up.

  2. Sabrina

    Just saw the FB ad and stumbled upon your blog — the trip looks great, hang in there! Keep reaching out to the right markets and you’ll get the numbers. Unfortunately won’t be able to make it because of the timing, but I’ll definitely keep a look out for future programmes 🙂

    • Torsten

      Hey Sabrina! Only saw this now. Thanks for your support! We are now engaging everyone on board and see how to proceed. We are only 5 tickets away to make it feasible. Fingers crossed! 🙂


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