A strong foundation

By Torsten


November 26, 2016

I’m having a hard time to put into words what happened in the last week. Since we started this non-profit organization back in January 2015 I’ve been trying to stay under the radar here in Kisumu for most of the time. My reason for that was that I didn’t want to attract any wrong attention. In my mind I thought that if the wrong people notice that a Mzungu (foreigner) is supporting this center, we could be confronted with people looking for handouts.

Fast forward to today. Well, our current team includes two very active ladies by the names of Lisa and Elisabeth, who are both networking queens! It felt like they tipped the first domino by introducing us to a few people in town and now we experience a crazy ripple effect.

Just in the last 7 days we’ve made above a dozen new friends and connections with incredible projects around us. We’ve welcomed many new visitors to see the domes and the center.  Some of whom have even been senior government officials from the ministry of education. We’ve made so many incredile new friends in such a short time, it’s almost exhausting to keep up with all this! At the same time we’ve met with a lawyer and registered Better Me here in Kenya too. Also thanks to our new friends who could give us great advise and recommendations.

Our team is nothing short of amazing and I’m super happy and proud of what we have created here. Not failing to mention all our amazing volunteers around the world! It feels like we are now maturing from a kind of startup to a more serious organization.

One thing is sure, we’ve created a strong foundation to build upon and we are gaining a lot of momentum.

This project has a bright future and I can’t wait to see where we will be at in just 12 month from now.



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