Thoughts from the Boarding Area

By Torsten


August 18, 2016

Almost boarding time for my second flight today. I arrived about one hour ago from Chiang Mai and now just about to board for Yangon, Myanmar.

In Chiang Mai I bought a new book at the airport. It just sucked me in. I enjoy investing into myself at the little bookshop at the airport had the biggest choice of business books I’ve seen in Chiang Mai so far.

I picked Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers”.

It’s a really refreshing read. Though I just started and will give more feedback later on.

Another thing that just crossed my mind again is Sam Oven‘s consultancy course. I’m on his email list and keep reading here and there a bit about it. Again, it sounds solid and it might be something I should start doing.

He lays it out pretty simple. Decide for an industry in which you feel comfortable. Find a problem or need in that industry. That could be done by just calling people and ask about their struggles etc. And finally if you found a specific need or problem, learn the skills to serve the need/ solve that problem.

Specializing is something I’ve to do no matter what. I’m a generalist at the moment. A jack of all trades. I can do everything good, but nothing perfect.

Time to go.

Talk soon,


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