Happy 20plenty from 3099m above the clouds

Happy 20plenty from 3099m above the clouds

Over a month ago I received this calling to spent my New Years in a cave in the Drakensberg. I didn’t know why, but I trusted. This pic captured one of the many moments that made this adventure one of the most remarkable spiritual journeys of my life. Who would’ve...
20plenty, I am ready for you

20plenty, I am ready for you

You sneaky delicious organic spinach (from our land here at #soulvalley), little did I know that your leafy wisdom would help me greatly with my desire to encapsulate this year into words that would actually pay homage to it all… How did so much happen in...
Present moment, I love you

Present moment, I love you

About to unplug myself for this final phase of TwentySHINEteen and deeply feel something huge is still to come through for me before this chapter closes. It’s been an insane year… completely off the charts… and I know 20plenty will be the beginning of an...


Here’s to radical self-expression. Thanks TwentyGREATeen , you were my best year yet, and welcome TwentySHINEteen. For me last year was a powerful transformation that I’ll always remember in the spirit of the butterfly. Without realizing, my journey took me to 16...

I am not who I think I am

I am what I do. And currently I feel the least authentic to my soul for as long as I can remember. I am not doing what I feel like doing. Well, I’m in Cartagena learning Spanish and helping my friend Pablo with his new hostel. And yes, that’s totally...