Learn to f@cking say NO

By Torsten


September 7, 2016

Chiang Mai, Thailand.

One day I will read back on this and laugh. Seriously. How man posts did I write already that talked about making a decision. And still I’m here, in the same shitty situation. Not knowing what next.

Though I’ve ideas. Plenty. But they are worth nothing if not worked upon.

Yesterday I spent most of the day in a Bus from the Myanmar border. I used the time to listen through the last 7 Steps of the 67 Steps. Quite a lot of input and I might have to listen to some parts of it again.

During the bus ride I decided to follow up on my ideas and make a solid plan. I didn’t want to return to Chiang Mai in the same state I left. I wanted to be set. Also to be an example to others and just start doing things. I’m scared of my ideas but that seems to be a good sign. I have a massive learning curve ahead of me.

Once set on a goal everything else that doesn’t align with it, will just be ignored. Life will be so much simpler. At least in theory.

I’m staying in a 10 bed dorm and take the shared taxis to get around. I can feel that I’m back on the bottom and it created a strong drive to get up again. I feels like this is the right way to do it. It forces me to get into survival mode instead of relaxation.

Yesterday I came across a multi-level-marketing opportunity in Germany and might just pick up on it. It’s Facebook marketing based. Something I’ve been doing for a while and I feel this might be a great opportunity to advance my skills in it. Also, I can do it remotely and it might grow into a nice passive income stream. And maybe I can get my mom to do it in future. She used to do Tupperware, which is based on MLM too. And since it’s remotely she could really live a good life and travel with me whenever.

This obviously might cross my idea of going to Melbourne to work for a month or so. But maybe not. I will see how things work out.

Ideally my plan looks as follows:

Hong Kong to open Company Bank Account
Chiang Mai till 21st.
Melbourne 22/09 – 04/11
Kenya 05/11 – 26/11
Cape Town 27/11 till Africa Burn

I just came up with some dates. Doesn’t need to be exactly that but at least it’s a rough idea.

Again, something new passed my way and I think it’s the right thing to do. Again and again I change my mind.

Fuck me. Fuck this.

Maybe I’m just not ready for this. Maybe I just need to go and work in Australia. Get help. Find a mentor. Find someone who guides me. My mind is a mess and I know it. I keep fighting it but maybe it’s a waste of time.

Pick something and stick to it. There are always other shiny opportunities and ideas out there. You have to become immune to them. You have to be able to say no. You have to learn to stick to your plan. Otherwise you will never achieve anything.

I have to learn to say NO.

Talk soon,


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