We are on full steam!

By Torsten


December 6, 2016

Damn I should try to update this blog more often, especially after I write about bad news!

Because mostly things change for the good very quickly and it’s a shame if one reads only the bad things 😉

I’m now back in the mother city Cape Town and I love it! I really feel home between Kenya and here. Looks Africa got hold of me.

Nomad Convoy is now on a deadline. Together with everyone on board we decided to draw a line on the 21st December. All our current ticket holders are super great! It’s been such a relief to talk to them and get them involved. Love this crowd already!

Now that we’ve only 15 days left to fill 2 trucks, I’m really pushing things. I’ve made connections with all the big Nomad/ coworking programs for affiliate partnerships. We launched an affiliate program just yesterday and are now spreading it out to get things moving fast.

It’s nice to have a clear deadline and our clients appreciate that too. Obviously they want to make their plans and not be left hanging up in the air.

Being back here in Cape Town shows me again the amazing opportunities and people out here. I’m so exciting to pull this off. Everyone on board is going to have the trip of a lifetime!

One big question mark for many indecisive applicants is the internet availability. For this we have satellite internet in the works now!

Really, I can’t wait to be back in Zambia. To welcome everyone, show them the beauty of Africa. Sit on the roof of the trucks with a cold beer at dawn. Watch Giraffes crossing the road. Sit on the camp fire and listen to stories of our fellow travelers. This is going to be epic folks!

Much love and hugs from Cape Town

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