This might sound nuts..

By Torsten


September 14, 2016

I don’t know exactly what happened but somehow I’ve a shit load of work ahead of me. Or actually, on my desk, right now.

From not knowing what to do next to full schedule in a few days. What the heck.

First of all I’ve to announce that is in the planning stage! I had a Skype call yesterday with my friends Misha and Lauren from Greenpop and we are going to pull this off. That’s super crazy fucking exciting!

Then today I had a meeting with my Juice Plus Mentors. One just bought a Ducati (Like 10k Euro) just yesterday. He was talking about it on Sunday. And then he just did it. Fuck! It’s not that I want a Ducati but I want to be able to have this kind of financial freedom. Being around those guys feels like I’m closer than ever to get on course and create this ultimate freedom.

Also for this I’ve lots of work to do now.

Lastly I’m going to talk at the Nomad Coffee Club this Friday. Basically in 2 days. And I want it to be EPIC. Means, a lot of work to prepare it!

This week’s Nomad Coffee Club talk is with Torsten Toto Kremser a visionary entrepreneur and Globetrotter. He is the founder of the Better Me Foundation coining the phrase ~A Better World starts with a Better Me~

Toto will share the five key things he has learned while traveling the world in the past 4 years:

-How I broke free from working in the Oil industry
-Going from passenger to pilot (making decisions)
-Why I got arrested helping Kenyan children
-Why Chiang Mai confuses me
-How 10 day meditation changed my life

Toto will also be sharing his most recent project including an incredible opportunity for all adventure seeking entreprenuers!

4:00pm – 4:30: Coffee and Networking
4:30pm – 5:30: Toto’s Talk

Come early, have a drink and support the cafe!

Make sure you join the official Facebook group to get future updates and invitations:

See you then!

Seriously I don’t know how this all came my way so quickly. I’ve to work like a machine to get it all going.

But that’s fine. I’m willing to put in the hours. I’m willing to do what it takes.

Let’s rock!

Talk soon,


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1 Comment

  1. Petter Miller

    looking forward to introducing you tomorrow.

    I know you will be great.


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