Yet another shiny thing – Amazon FBA

By Torsten


August 12, 2016

Alright. This is starting to get a bit too much. Maybe.

Yesterday a guy whom I met 2 years ago here in Chiang Mai contacted me. He told me that he’s going to see his homie in Kenya so I became curious. Turns out he’s doing a really cool TV podcast on youtube and I started looking into his stuff.

He’s one of the guys who came for the dropship lifestyle retreat in 2014 and then changed to Amazon products. They all live in Saigon now and after watching his videos I can understand why. It looks awesome and they have become really incredible characters from what I could see in the podcasts.

I’m super impressed. They almost talked like my mentor Tai.

While I spent 1,5 years in Africa those guys were grinding to start business and digging knowledge of the worlds most successful people. I’m clearly lacking behind in both. Again, I’m really impressed and happy to see how far they’ve gone.

That said, Amazon FBA which I hear tons of people talking about, seems to be the real deal. The thing is that most money is made over christmas. It’s now mid August, which would give me just about 4 month. But to cash in on christmas I probably have to have it up beginning of December. So 3 month.

Sounds like a challenge. Also I’d love to check out Saigon.

A thought just crossed my mind. Apparently it’s cold in Australia and NZ right now. Summer starts in December. So maybe this all makes sense or I can make sense of it. What ever.

If I go to Myanmar now for lets say 10 days, then 10 days in Cambodia, return to Chiang Mai and start Amazon FBA. I could move to Saigon in October.

Or maybe September already?

I don’t know. But as my friend Tanveer keeps saying. Just start something.

Considering I’m almost broke, yeah I should just do something. And see if I like it.

Talk soon,



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