I want my mom to be happy

By Torsten


August 13, 2016

I just listened to the Tim Ferris Show. Tim had Tony Robbins as a guest and it’s been a really powerful episode.

Somehow it made me think about what I really want in life and there is one thing that always pops up.

I want my mom to be happy.

I love you mom ❤️ #gratitude #loveyoumom #happiness

A photo posted by K N O W L E D G E 🙏 P O W E R (@totoexperience) on

After reading, listening and watching to tons of self-development stuff I keep thinking how cool it would be if my mom could get that same information. So one of my wishes is that I can free her from the unfulfilling job she’s doing and give her time to learn English, read those great books and most importantly, travel.

I want to show her the world. Get her out of Germany.

My dream is to have an organic farm in the mountains of Chile. I’ve never been though and it might turn out not to be the right place but anyways. I got that vision from Simon Black whose living that exact dream. It sounds amazing to me and I admire him for achieving all this.

And since my mom loves horses it would be so perfect to have a farm with massive land. I imagine it to be typical Spanish colonial style farm house with view across a valley and surrounded by snow capped mountains.

But I never told my mom about this. I don’t even know if that’s something she would love to do. I’ll ask her about her dreams.

What ever it is, I want to make it happen for her.

Financial freedom will allow me to do all this.

Yet another reason to build a great company that will make me rich, add value to the world, and allow me to do what I want and whenever I want. Total freedom.

I’ve to clarify my goals, make them tangible and measurable.

Talk soon,


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