Beyond wealth in the now

By Torsten


January 31, 2017

My life being a rollercoaster of learning and loving. It’s hard to comprehend how wealthy some of us really are.  What was given to me in those past years is of priceless nature. No money, no gold, nothing in this world can measure it. And knowing this, I am beyond grateful for all that was, all that is, and all that will be.

I am exactly where I want to be. And I do exactly what I want to do. Life is abundant. Possibilities are infinite. Coincidences don’t exist. Everything happens for a reason. And the reason is either you, by following upon your dreams, or someone else whose following upon his/her dreams. There’s a saying to simplify this: You either live and create your own dream or you live and create someone else’s dream. Being conscious of this, it’s obvious that both are part of our lives. We help others to fulfill their dreams, and at the same time, they help us to realize ours. When I talked about the abundance of wealth around me, I meant social wealth. People I can truly and blindly trust. And not just a handful, but plenty. People in whose presence I can be truly vulnerable. I can be without judgement. I get support when I need it the most and I give support whenever I am needed. But how does on accumulate social wealth?


      • By believing in your capabilities and doing good with it. Once you believe in yourself, others will believe in you.





      • By being yourself and realizing your dreams. Don’t try to be anyone but yourself. People will love you for who you are and for your courage to follow your dreams.





      • By taking care of yourself first and then of others. Fill your own bucket first. Learn who you are. Your weaknesses and your strength. Become the best version of yourself, every day, till the rest of your life. You will radiate love and joy to lift others, which will attract loving and joyous people around you.





      • By giving generously you will receive generously.









It sounds so obvious doesn’t it? Just be yourself and follow your dreams. Be nice, be generous, be compassionate. Don’t judge.

Live your best life and you will find not only true wealth but all that comes with it, including love and happiness 🙂

I am beyond grateful. Thank you.


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