A person I truly admire

By Torsten


August 11, 2016

Last night I came across some photos posted by a friend whom I admire. But even more eye-opening was that he now seemed to work for a person I incredible admire.

I started to think about that person and why I admire him so much. He seems to have the perfect life. At least from the outside. He lives the life I want to live. Everything sounds incredible like I would imagine it.

He has an organic farm in the mountains near Santiago de Chile. He has a great company with an incredible smart team and his mission is something to be very proud of. He has integrity and huge amounts of knowledge.

He’s well connected in the world and continuously travels for business and investment opportunities. I admire his life. I admire what he is doing. I admire his success. I admire his integrity and thoughts. I admire his purpose.

And I had the chance to work for him. Even if it was only a tiny chance, I didn’t make use of it. I wasted that chance back in March. Because I thought I wouldn’t want to work for anyone. I thought I’m able to achieve all this by myself.

I wasn’t humble. I was too proud. Too arrogant. It was foolish.

The opportunities, network, experience and knowledge I would gain by working for him could potentially save me decades of hustle and failure.

Remember, learn from the giants. From the best.

Then I discovered that he even unfriended me on Facebook. I guess I disappointed him. At least I didn’t impress. This puts me into a very weak position. I’ve to show him that I can add tremendous value to him. I know I can. I’m willing to put in the hours. The grind. No matter what. I would do anything to work with him. Anything.

Maybe that’s what I have to do. I’ve to show him that I am worth his time.

What about Australia? Does that still fit into my plan? I don’t know..

In thoughts,


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