
My current morning routine in Kenya

What a beautiful start into the day. When I start my days as I intended to, it's almost like I'm wearing different glasses. My attitude towards everything in the morning hours is defined by how I wake up. If I have the feeling of accomplishment early in the morning,...

Going full-time Crypto

Jeeessssss time flies! I'm now back in Kenya since almost a week. How is that even possible. Wow. I've been keeping up my writing but more in private than in public. Though I also need to admit that I am behind with like 6k words. Which is so so. In that regard I...

Control Your Reactions, Control Your Life

Yesssssaaa. I'm falling behind with my 1k words daily. Been busy the last days and couldn't really execute my morning routine. Too late to bed, and early rising due to appointments. But, so much happening and I love it! As I wrote a few days ago I had to spent this...

Challenging my ego

Something happened yesterday and today within me. As if the conclusion I drew on Saturday doesn't satisfy me. I had doubts if I am actually good in the area of marketing and strategy. It's fear trying to influence me. But maybe it's also intuition. Though this could...

Bad day! And why I enjoyed it

Yeah. Everything happens for a reason. And today the universe really kicked my ass. The worst, I kinda knew it was going to happen. So, did I manifest it? Dang, I need to be way more careful with my thoughts. What happened. Well, basically I came to Berlin (5 long...

Happy Birthday! 2018 Goals: Project #FF29

This is it! Yesterday was my very last day that I was 28 years old on the 28th of a month. And today is my only birthday in which my age matches the day of my birthday. It's the 29th of September and you can guess how old I am now. That's apparently called your "crown...

Older Posts

Time to renegotiate

Time to renegotiate

So my mom had to cancel her trip. Shit happens. We will have an even better time next year in April. At least that's the idea for now. I'm here at my friend Bery ( on the Ssese islands in Uganda. Beautiful place and every time again I'm astonished...

What ever can happen, will happen…

What ever can happen, will happen…

Of course shit like to hit the fan. All at once. Whenever possible. And, if you aren't prepared for it because you live in a positive thinking dream, then... it might hit you harder then necessary. Well, it just hit me hard but somehow I'm already over it. Everything...

I’ve a business

I’ve a business

A few days ago we finally opened the ticket sales and we sold 4 tickets immediately. But then it slowed down. People are unsure. Not motivated enough to overcome their fears. Overthinking it. I'm creating this incredible tour.. and it's going to be life-changing and...

Shit is hitting the f@cking fan!

Shit is hitting the f@cking fan!

Holy fuck. Sorry for swearing so much. It kinda helps though. So here is what happened. Yesterday I finally send out the prices to our applicants for nomad convoy. And I was really hoping to get very good feedback. And I did get some really good feedback. But then...

Just be yourself

Just be yourself

During the last few days I tried to figure out the way "to sell" the tickets for Nomad Convoy. With help from my good friend Tanveer I tried to structure myself and the whole marketing process. We worked it all out. The email collection, the follow up autoresponder...

Being alone in Chiang Mai

Being alone in Chiang Mai

One of my favorite cities in the world. Life is just really good out here in Chiang Mai. Cost of living is low, food is incredible and lots of good people around. And I'm leaving again in 11 days... I've a flight to Hong Kong on the 1st Nov. and I'm still hoping to...

Exhausted from Bangkok

Exhausted from Bangkok

I'm having a weird phase. Feeling very much down and uncomfortable. And obviously I am after 5 days of meetings, networking and socializing on 2 big conferences (Sustainable Brands & DCBKK). I'm writing those lines from a Coffee Shop in Central Plaza, Bangkok. It...

Hugs from Ubud, Bali

Hugs from Ubud, Bali

I didn't even take the time to write here since almost 3 weeks. Wow. What does that mean for me? I almost feel like I keep myself busier then I actually am. Like as if I try to fill the day with work to feel good. I know there is truth on it. I pressure myself to work...

This might sound nuts..

This might sound nuts..

I don't know exactly what happened but somehow I've a shit load of work ahead of me. Or actually, on my desk, right now. From not knowing what to do next to full schedule in a few days. What the heck. First of all I've to announce that is in the...



I'm SO FIRED UP!! 🙂 Ha! After months of trying to figure out what I should put my time into financially, I finally found it and hell I'm excited! I've been working on my multi-level marketing business since a few days now and the first results start to roll in! The...

Plan locked in – Back to Africa in November

Plan locked in – Back to Africa in November

Alright folks, finally things are getting a bit structured again. I looked up fight options for my mom to come to Uganda/ Kenya in November and she literally walked into a travel agency and booked. With that my plan for the next month has a fixed part again and it...

Learn to f@cking say NO

Learn to f@cking say NO

Chiang Mai, Thailand. One day I will read back on this and laugh. Seriously. How man posts did I write already that talked about making a decision. And still I'm here, in the same shitty situation. Not knowing what next. Though I've ideas. Plenty. But they are worth...