
Challenging my ego

Something happened yesterday and today within me. As if the conclusion I drew on Saturday doesn't satisfy me. I had doubts if I am actually good in the area of marketing and strategy. It's fear trying to influence me. But maybe it's also intuition. Though this could...

Bad day! And why I enjoyed it

Yeah. Everything happens for a reason. And today the universe really kicked my ass. The worst, I kinda knew it was going to happen. So, did I manifest it? Dang, I need to be way more careful with my thoughts. What happened. Well, basically I came to Berlin (5 long...

Happy Birthday! 2018 Goals: Project #FF29

This is it! Yesterday was my very last day that I was 28 years old on the 28th of a month. And today is my only birthday in which my age matches the day of my birthday. It's the 29th of September and you can guess how old I am now. That's apparently called your "crown...

Finding my way again

I'm only one day away from my 29th birthday. Today I started to implement my routines again. After the typhoid infection I haven't had the energy for quite a while but now I feel great again. I am back! I started the morning late. Slept over 1,5 hours longer than...

Is Bitcoin a commodity?

Right now, what's going on in the world's financial markets, including crypto, is insanity. All indicators are screaming bubble and yet, there's no way it all can crash together. There's big big money out there. Not just credit, but actual (fiat) money. If something...

Designing the next chapter of my life

Interesting days. Today I've been on a 22 hour water fast. I really needed that. Have been thinking about it since weeks but didn't find the right time. Or motivation I guess. But now I'm back. My willpower is strong and my bodies energy probably at 95%. All in line...

Older Posts

Make a decision damn it

Make a decision damn it

Yangon, Myanmar Again the insecurities arise. I just arrived back in Yangon and went to the B&B backpackers which has this awesome rooftop place. I just wanted to check prices and options to get to Thailand and it worked out well. I'll leave tonight to the Thai...

The future is nothing but uncertain

The future is nothing but uncertain

Inle Lake, Myanmar. Another day in paradise. The more I see of our world the more it becomes clear how beautiful it is all around. It seems the exceptions of natures beauty are places destroyed or manipulated by humans. Some places might be more beautiful than others...

What to do next when the possibilities seem endless?

What to do next when the possibilities seem endless?

What to do next. That's always the big question most globetrotters have to ask themselves. It's a never ending pursuit of the next thing and it can become really tiresome. I've been trying to find my next big goal for a while now. A goal gives you a direction to...

Reflection after 10 Days Vipassana

Reflection after 10 Days Vipassana

I’m sitting in a cafe in a mall in Yagon. About an hour ago I left the group to be by myself for a while. We will meet at 4 pm to take a night bus to Bagan. Originally I planned to stay one night in Yagon before moving on but somehow I got convinced or convinced...

Spontaneous 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat in Yangon

Spontaneous 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat in Yangon

While walking through the rainy streets of Yangon (Myanmar) a bit earlier today, one of my favorite sayings came into my mind and stuck with me. It's a saying that I first heard while backpacking Thailand in 2011. Almost 5 years later I've come a long way and feel...

Thoughts from the Boarding Area

Thoughts from the Boarding Area

Almost boarding time for my second flight today. I arrived about one hour ago from Chiang Mai and now just about to board for Yangon, Myanmar. In Chiang Mai I bought a new book at the airport. It just sucked me in. I enjoy investing into myself at the little bookshop...

Off to Myanmar

Off to Myanmar

I was a bit quite during the last days but lots of stuff happened. On Monday I moved out of my friends apartment and into a hostel. Quite a change. I knew I felt way too comfortable in that apartment and being back in a  dormitory brought me back to reality. I'm...

Documentation vs Content Creation

Documentation vs Content Creation

Gary nails it. Here's what I got out of it: The world doesn't need another copy of "Tony Robbins" (he's a legend anyways) as much as it needs people who are authentic and showing/ documenting where they are and how they overcome their struggles. People like me, who...

I want my mom to be happy

I want my mom to be happy

I just listened to the Tim Ferris Show. Tim had Tony Robbins as a guest and it's been a really powerful episode. Somehow it made me think about what I really want in life and there is one thing that always pops up. I want my mom to be happy. I love you mom...

Top tips to live long and healthy

Top tips to live long and healthy

Yay the first post in regards to health. It's a topic I really seek deeper understanding in. It's so important for everything. Our bodies are the only vehicles we will ever have (as far as science goes today) and if we trash them, we will live either just short or...

Yet another shiny thing – Amazon FBA

Yet another shiny thing – Amazon FBA

Alright. This is starting to get a bit too much. Maybe. Yesterday a guy whom I met 2 years ago here in Chiang Mai contacted me. He told me that he's going to see his homie in Kenya so I became curious. Turns out he's doing a really cool TV podcast on youtube and I...

For anyone coming across this blog

For anyone coming across this blog

Yesterday I told a good friend about this blog and I didn't think much about it. But now I feel a bit weird. Not sure why. I mean, it's like a brain dumb for me. Mixed with a journal. So inarguably quite some private stuff I'm talking about. That said, I don't care...