This is Me


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Here’s to radical self-expression. Thanks TwentyGREATeen , you were my best year yet, and welcome TwentySHINEteen. For me last year was a powerful transformation that I’ll always remember in the spirit of the butterfly. Without realizing, my journey took me to 16...

The foundation for a still unknown building

I AM BACK. So much happened. And again, I failed to keep this blog up to date which in hindsight always feels bad. There's just so much going in my life and keeping my writing routine just fell off the table. Something I'll hopefully get back on with from now. I'm...

My current morning routine in Kenya

What a beautiful start into the day. When I start my days as I intended to, it's almost like I'm wearing different glasses. My attitude towards everything in the morning hours is defined by how I wake up. If I have the feeling of accomplishment early in the morning,...

Happy Birthday! 2018 Goals: Project #FF29

This is it! Yesterday was my very last day that I was 28 years old on the 28th of a month. And today is my only birthday in which my age matches the day of my birthday. It's the 29th of September and you can guess how old I am now. That's apparently called your "crown...

The dark years

If you've done some research in the area of entrepreneurship and success you will eventually have come across the term "dark years". People who have achieved greatness have gone through years of grinding and hard work. Sometimes they basically lived in their garage....

We are living in the best time of human history

“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.” – Warren G. Bennis, University of Southern California professor of business...

My 2017 forecast

My 2017 forecast I know I've absolute incredible friends around the world, doings lots of very different but somehow specific things and I also know that I've never been "THE GUY" for something specific. So for me it's always hard to answer the question "What are you...

We Create the very Future We Envision – For Good or Bad – Here is how.

It's this time of the year again when everyone starts to reflect on the past 12 month and thinks about the coming ones. Well, writing this right now, I'm not feeling like putting my entire year into summary. Not yet. So I'll just keep it short and sweet. Nomad Convoy...


I'm SO FIRED UP!! 🙂 Ha! After months of trying to figure out what I should put my time into financially, I finally found it and hell I'm excited! I've been working on my multi-level marketing business since a few days now and the first results start to roll in! The...

Finding your business destiny – Tai Lopez

Just started the Yellow Belt course in Tai's accelerator program. I've had it since 3 month but never looked into it. There is just so much information (hundreds of videos) and I'm working through it step by step. Btw. I finished the 67 steps! And it's been super...
My podcast is dying..
My podcast is dying..

Ugh, almost 3 weeks since I published the last episode. Can't believe it. And now that I'm off to Myanmar I won't be able to record anymore episodes. I really need to think about this. I know I want to continue it. I enjoyed it so much. Not sure what happened. Maybe...

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It’s coming full circle
It’s coming full circle

Alright, thanks to my mentor Tai I just came across a guy from New Zealand called Sam Ovens. A self-made millionaire in 4 years. And of course he's selling something. In this case, a course on how to become a six to seven figure consultant. So I went and checked him...

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Talking about shiny things

So here is what happened. I booked my flights and I'm all sorted and ready to go for Myanmar. Not sure yet for how long I'll go and I might also just head over to Siam Reap and explore Cambodia for a little bit. Anyhow, so my friend just told me about his new job with...

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Decision made. Next stop is Myanmar (Burma)

Finally made a decision. Good feeling! It's always like that. Once you made the freakin decision the world is back in order. I've to learn to make my decisions faster. My mentor Tai Lopez calls it the 40/70 rule. Once you've 40% of the possible information it's time...

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The next shiny thing

Maybe I'm not just jumping on the next shiny thing all the time, but make a rational decision. The only rational decision to make when you have new data, is to change your mind. - Chris Young Considering the amount of knowledge I consume everyday, it makes sense to...

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Might just had a light bulb flashing on. With all the knowledge, experience and skills I have and knowing that I love to talk to people. That I love to figure out problems and that I've a great sense for details I might just be the ideal consultant. Seriously....

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Staying humble

I just woke up after a bit more than 6 hours of sleep. That's because I only went to bed at around 2 AM. Every couple of weeks or so my mummy and me have a long phone call to catch up. Last night took 2 hours. I really enjoy those calls especially because she keeps...

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Might head to Australia!

Yeah my mind is a complete mess and I keep jumping on the next shining thing. But at least I know about it. I'm pretty good in observing myself to a certain degree. Anyways, I was just listening to the Tim Ferris Show #173 with Chris Young from Chefsteps. He said...

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Time for a reset
Time for a reset

Finally a place to breath. I was thinking about this for such a long time that it's really a breath of fresh air coming along my why now. This blog will be just about me and my personal thoughts about life and our world. I'm just about to head out to grab some food....

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