
Finding my way again

I'm only one day away from my 29th birthday. Today I started to implement my routines again. After the typhoid infection I haven't had the energy for quite a while but now I feel great again. I am back! I started the morning late. Slept over 1,5 hours longer than...

Is Bitcoin a commodity?

Right now, what's going on in the world's financial markets, including crypto, is insanity. All indicators are screaming bubble and yet, there's no way it all can crash together. There's big big money out there. Not just credit, but actual (fiat) money. If something...

Designing the next chapter of my life

Interesting days. Today I've been on a 22 hour water fast. I really needed that. Have been thinking about it since weeks but didn't find the right time. Or motivation I guess. But now I'm back. My willpower is strong and my bodies energy probably at 95%. All in line...

Do not fear. You are the architect.

This is ridiculous. I've had a couple of great catch-ups with friends across the world during the last days. We talked about the last couple of months since our last contact, but also about where we are at and where we want to go. Somehow this idea of making a million...

The dark years

If you've done some research in the area of entrepreneurship and success you will eventually have come across the term "dark years". People who have achieved greatness have gone through years of grinding and hard work. Sometimes they basically lived in their garage....

Millionaire by the age of 30

Here we go. For whatever reason I've this goal in my mind and I'm eager to follow through with it. It bothers me that it's a financially driven goal but I'll find my way around it. At least the financial side makes it rational and trackable. I can build a plan around...

Older Posts

A person I truly admire

A person I truly admire

Last night I came across some photos posted by a friend whom I admire. But even more eye-opening was that he now seemed to work for a person I incredible admire. I started to think about that person and why I admire him so much. He seems to have the perfect life. At...

Last night I felt like being social

Last night I felt like being social

Last nights beer & entrepreneur meetup at Beer Lab turned out to be interesting and inspiring in many ways. I passed by to see if anyone was there and when I saw a good group of new people I decided to stay. Even though I haven't had dinner yet. Something urged me...

Letter to myself. Read this when you feel down!

Letter to myself. Read this when you feel down!

Life can be quite a rollercoaster. Especially now that I'm floating around without a clear goal and with all the problems on my back. So here is something I shall never forget. Torsten, think about all the goodness you added to this world already. Think about all the...

Does my volunteer program actually add value?

Does my volunteer program actually add value?

Things turning bad today. Someone commented on my Africa travel video on youtube saying that she added it to her 10 must see videos before traveling Africa. So I check out her website and came across an article she wrote about volunteering. Or better said, why you...

Building a Green School in Kenya

Building a Green School in Kenya

Back in January 2015 the original idea, to help the Korando Educational Center in Kenya, was to replace their temporary school structures with permanent buildings. Shouldn't cost that much I thought. You see it all the time that people build "schools" for $25,000 to...

My podcast is dying..

My podcast is dying..

Ugh, almost 3 weeks since I published the last episode. Can't believe it. And now that I'm off to Myanmar I won't be able to record anymore episodes. I really need to think about this. I know I want to continue it. I enjoyed it so much. Not sure what happened. Maybe...

It’s coming full circle

It’s coming full circle

Alright, thanks to my mentor Tai I just came across a guy from New Zealand called Sam Ovens. A self-made millionaire in 4 years. And of course he's selling something. In this case, a course on how to become a six to seven figure consultant. So I went and checked him...

Talking about shiny things

So here is what happened. I booked my flights and I'm all sorted and ready to go for Myanmar. Not sure yet for how long I'll go and I might also just head over to Siam Reap and explore Cambodia for a little bit. Anyhow, so my friend just told me about his new job with...

Decision made. Next stop is Myanmar (Burma)

Finally made a decision. Good feeling! It's always like that. Once you made the freakin decision the world is back in order. I've to learn to make my decisions faster. My mentor Tai Lopez calls it the 40/70 rule. Once you've 40% of the possible information it's time...

The next shiny thing

Maybe I'm not just jumping on the next shiny thing all the time, but make a rational decision. The only rational decision to make when you have new data, is to change your mind. - Chris Young Considering the amount of knowledge I consume everyday, it makes sense to...


Might just had a light bulb flashing on. With all the knowledge, experience and skills I have and knowing that I love to talk to people. That I love to figure out problems and that I've a great sense for details I might just be the ideal consultant. Seriously....

Staying humble

I just woke up after a bit more than 6 hours of sleep. That's because I only went to bed at around 2 AM. Every couple of weeks or so my mummy and me have a long phone call to catch up. Last night took 2 hours. I really enjoy those calls especially because she keeps...