My Bucket-List

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My Bucket-List

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I’m in no rush to finish this list. It’ll continue to grow and I will always have something to look forward to.

Long-Term Visions

★ Be the Healthiest Me
★ Improve 1 Life at a time
★ Visit Every Country on Planet Earth and go to Space

Places, Events and other Things I’d like to Visit, Do & Experience

1 Easter Island, Chile
2 Tehran, Iran
3 Borobudur, Indonesia
4 The Amazon Rainforest
5 Machu Pichu, Peru
6 Circumnavigate the Globe
7 Komodo Dragons, Indonesia
8 The Sistine Chapel, The Vatican
9 Chichen Itza, Mexico
10 The Kremlin, Russia
11 Jerusalem, Israel
12 Mecca, Saudi Arabia
13 The Hagia Sophia, Turkey
14 Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
15 The Terracotta Army, China
16 Empire State Building, USA ✔
17 Petra, Jordan
18 Climb Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
19 The Colosseum of Rome, Italy
20 The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
21 The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
22 The Serengeti, Tanzania
23 Fly into the Okavango Delta, Botswana
24 The Masai Mara, Kenya
25 The Blue Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey
26 Zanzibar, Tanzania
27 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
28 Lhasa, Tibet
29 Take the Trans-Siberian train
30 Cape Town, South Africa
31 The Forbidden City, China
32 The Taj Mahal, India
33 Build my first Dream (Dome) House ✔
34 The Eiffel Tower, France ✔
35 NYE in Sydney Harbour, Australia
36 Iguazu Falls, Argentina
37 Walk on the Great Wall of China
38 Travel Cape to Cairo overland
39 Snow Capped Mt Fuji, Japan
40 Uluru, Australia
41 Tiananmen Square, China
42 Walk on the ice of Antarctica
43 Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan
44 Road trip across U.S. southwest ✔
45 The Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland
46 The Source of the Nile, Uganda
47 Hike Mount Everest Base Camp, Nepal
48 Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe & Zambia
49 Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
50 Christ the Redeemer, Brazil
51 See Earth from Space
52 Kingdom of Bhutan
53 The Statue Of Liberty, USA 
54 The Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania
55 Timbuktu, Mali
56 The Grand Canyon, USA
57 An Active Volcano
58 Angkor Wat, Cambodia
59 Aurora/The Northern Lights, Scandinavia
60 Watch the Sunrise at Bagan Temples of Myanmar 
61 Carnival in Rio, Brazil
62 Venice, Italy ✔
63 Learn Salsa in South America
64 Learn Spanish in Centra/ South America ✔
65 Learn French in a French speaking country
66 Be a photo model 
67 Be a film star
68 Learn to play harmonica
69 Learn to play guitar
70 Learn photography ✔

to be continued…
