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Here’s a rule of life I live by…
If you have to go on a vacation from your job, never go back.
And that’s exactly what I did in 2011 after a 6 week backpacking trip to Thailand. After returning to Germany it took me just 3 days to decide that I will leave everything behind to follow my dreams.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Pablo Picasso wisely said,
“Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”
There is no need to compromise.
You can find whatever it is that you want from life.
But here’s the hook. Time is against us. Right now is the youngest you’ve ever been.
So, you have to start NOW.
Steve Jobs was right when he said,
“I didn’t want to be the richest man in the graveyard.”
It doesn’t matter if you are 18 years old or 80 years old, the arrow of time moves forward.
It’s not enough to just be successful.
You have to be successful while you are young enough to enjoy it.
>> Accelerate The Speed of Your Success <<
Maybe your dream is to work from Thailand, because you have the ability to work from wherever you want. Maybe your dream is to be a millionaire… Or maybe you just want the financial freedom to be home for your children. But here’s a tip for you… No matter what your dream is, you won’t find it if you are looking in the same places as everyone else. Don’t follow the crowd…
>> Get Massive Insight From The World’s Most Successful Leaders <<
Because most of the world is just the blind leading the blind.
As Thoreau wrote in Walden Pond:
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.”
But if you proceed carefully you will not be part of those desperate masses. Fortunately, there have been many wise people over the last 8,000 years of civilization. And they point the way. They have left clues.
One of the greatest philosophers of all time, Plato, taught that most people are deep in a cave, watching shadows on the wall, thinking they are seeing clearly. Plato invited you and me to step out of the cave and see life under the new light of a more clear reality.
My “virtual” mentor, Tai Lopez, since age 16 has traveled to 51 countries, read thousands of books, been mentored by 5 people (three millionaires and two closer to the billion dollar level), learned from 12 of the world’s top business partners, started or invested in over a dozen multi-million dollar companies, and collected the quotes, thoughts, and teachings of the greatest, wisest, and most intelligent people on earth that he could talk into helping him.
His collection of principles, thoughts, and sayings has grown over the years. The collection became pretty massive. So not too long ago he set out to narrow the list from several thousand principles down to a more manageable number. He chose the number 67. That number’s based on new research by the University College London that found it takes about 66 days to form a new habit.
>> Get Instant Access To Tai’s 67 Steps <<
These 67 Steps come from the teaching of powerful, often famous people like Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, Martin Seligman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Drucker, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, and Gandhi.
I’ve watched the 67 Steps and it’s been mind-blowing. This video series had a major, almost immediate impact on my life and I keep talking about it everyday.
I keep quoting Tai in daily conversations. It has become almost comical but my friends are always impressed about the insights and knowledge I can add to our talks.
If you know me, you know I would not recommend anything I’m not totally convinced it’s worth it.
That said, I promise the 67 Steps will change your life. It’s full of principles, guidelines and lessons that will lead you to a better and happier life.
I felt like I’m downloading centuries of knowledge and experience. It’s exciting and impacted my life tremendously.
I highly recommend everyone to try it at least! (Even my mummy, though her English isn’t good enough yet)
The program is 67 days and there is a 60 day money back guarantee. So what do you really have to loose?
And yes, I’m an affiliate to the program which means I will get a commission if you sign up using my link. But again, I would never recommend it to anyone if I wasn’t convinced it’s worth every penny!
So, what are you waiting for?
Click here to get the 67 Steps!
Think the impossible and then make it happen!
Talk soon,
PS: Remember what Seneca said: “Life is short and yet we act as if we have all the time in the world”. Don’t be that person. Get the 67 steps. It’s totally risk free!