Reflection after 10 Days Vipassana

By Torsten


August 30, 2016

I’m sitting in a cafe in a mall in Yagon. About an hour ago I left the group to be by myself for a while. We will meet at 4 pm to take a night bus to Bagan. Originally I planned to stay one night in Yagon before moving on but somehow I got convinced or convinced myself to join the group.

Not sure if that was the right decision. Well, actually it was. Any decision is the right one. At least in the sense that no matter what happens, either you win or you learn.

Let’s see. I’m really tired even though I just had a coffee and the chocolate bun I was thinking about during the last days. I’d say it was really a craving I wanted to give in. And it felt good. Now I want another one of course. And I might even do it. Why not right. Though I know it’s unhealthy.

Yesterday on day 10 of the course we were allowed to talk again and I chatted a lot with Ricardo from Italy. He’s been vegetarian for 22 years and vegan since 6 years. He looked really healthy and is now 60% raw. I started analyzing him and his knowledge regarding health effects. Even though he was very pushy with his reasoning, like all vegans are, I felt that he knew quite a lot of things. And considering that he’s an athlete, marathon runner and swimmer I was quite impressed. Also he looked about 40 years and again, he seemed to be in really good shape. And he doesn’t take any medicine nor supplements.

I don’t know man. This whole diet thing is just a big pain in the ass. I’m totally fine to be vegan. I don’t need cow milk nor eggs. But I would probably miss cheese. Maybe not. I haven’t had much cheese during my times in Africa anyways. Even here in asia its very uncommon. So in that regards Im probably fine.

The thing that really bothers me about going vegan, is the extra portion of stress it adds when looking for food. Of course you could always go to the market and by veggies and fruits. Still it’s weird. And very unsocial. And it makes you eat more grain based things which I love. Like bakeries. Though again, not healthy.

I just want it to be simple. Why is it so complicated? Ricardo said once he became fully vegan he learned what to eat. It’s like learning a new language. Once you speak it fluent you are fine.

I’m keen to give it a try for sure. I know that I don’t like eating meat anymore. It doesn’t make me feel good. I’m just too lazy to make the effort sometimes. But from today on that changes. I am now vegetarian. And I will stay away from any other animal products though if there is fish sauce in something or a little bit of milk or whatsoever I will not stress. But if possible I will avoid it from now on.

Another big topic for me that came up during the last 10 days is what I want to do with my life in the next 6-12 month. That’s as far as one should plan anyways.

I’ve had a couple of ideas to make money but won’t disclose them here yet.

Now the crazy thing. Three of my ideas are related to my friends in Cape Town. I haven’t had contact to Misha and Lauren since April and I was really thinking a lot about them and how to connect regarding those projects. Today when I got my phone I saw a message from Misha from Sunday. He wrote that they had been thinking about me and sending lots of love and wishes my way. How crazy is that? I mean, they must’ve felt my energy. That seems to be a clear sign to move ahead with all this ideas. If only one of them works out I will be well off. And I like all the ideas and would be proud to represent them.

Wow this release of thoughts was so good. I feel much lighter already. Though I still have a lot to figure out now.

One thing that has become really clear and important to me is brining my mama to a Vipassana course in Germany. This experience has been truly incredible. I almost feel like I found the missing building block for my foundation. Now I feel ready to build a skyscraper on top of it.

Tomorrow is 1st of September. I’m thinking to spent another 5 days or so in Myanmar before returning to Chiang Mai. In CM I will spent another 2 weeks or so before flying to Indonesia. I somehow got the idea of spending my birthday on one of those tiny islands with all those hippies. And I want to see the nomad scene in Bali.

Afterwards I’m thinking to return to Kenya together with my mom. I want her to see the house, meet Dolfine and the children and our team. Also going on a trip to Uganda to visit Bery. And maybe to the coast. I also like her to start taking yoga classes and advance her english. I doubt our future is in Germany and I like her to become more international. But I’ve to see what she feels and what her dreams are. Ultimately I want her to be happy and healthy. I wish her to live another 40 years at least. There is so much to see in the world and it makes me happy to think of showing her the world.

Another option is still New Zealand. I’ve to see. I came up with the Kenya idea because afterwards I can go to Cape Town and start working on all the projects.

My idea is to set up my office within the green pop office and get things organized. There is so much to be done if I want this to be super successful. I will finally spent an entire summer in and around Cape Town. I will go to african burn afterwards and then who knows. Maybe then it’s time for South America.

That means though, that my plan of working in Australia and New Zealand has flattened a bit. But honestly, I can’t do everything at the same time. I’ve to make decisions and Ricardo actually worked in those countries as well as US and others without work permit. So I don’t have to worry about a work and travel visa. There is a way if I really want to experience all this after turning 30.

It’s the moment that matters. No reason to crave for everything. Good things take time and you know, at least I still have something to look forward to. Also traveling Europe would be great. I’m glad I still have so much to look forward to.

No craving. No aversion.

I just remembered something regarding the promotion of the events. I was thinking to give a speech at the nomad coffee club. I want to blow people from their chairs. And make them crave to go to Cape Town. I want to prepare this incredible presentation. It will be the start of my speaking career. Something I’m really excited about too.

I just quickly edited my latest podcast episode 14 with Kai Law. Didn’t manage to upload it before coming to Myanmar so it’s now or never. Misha actually wrote me in that message that he enjoys my podcast and wishes I would keep doing it. And yes I will. Thank you Mish.

Another thing, the nomad cruise. Taking a ship from Tenerife to Brazil with lots of Nomads. Perfect place to advertise my events. So I might have to do it. Not sure the dates though. Will look it up once back in the hostel.

So many things to do. Damn.

Alright. Time to go back to the hostel. Got a good clear mind already.

Talk soon,


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