Happy 20plenty from 3099m above the clouds

By Torsten


January 4, 2020

Over a month ago I received this calling to spent my New Years in a cave in the Drakensberg. I didn’t know why, but I trusted. This pic captured one of the many moments that made this adventure one of the most remarkable spiritual journeys of my life. Who would’ve thought that I would start this decade of peace and abundance by facilitating the highest-ever and very first Secret Sunrise of #20plenty at 3099m above the clouds.

During our journey we’ve been gifted with nature’s beauty at its best, including stunning waterfall showers, a friendly snake, birds of prey, a lovely rabbit and the most breathtaking rainbow. The last two, rabbit and rainbow, showed up during our sunrise session. (You’lI understand the magic when you watch the videos in my story).

I feel grateful beyond words.

And all this, because I trusted that calling. My intuition. If you feel you’d love help learning to trust your intuition, schedule a session with me and I’d be honored to be your guide on your greatest journey within.

 Free Your Self from stress and anxiety
 Free Your Self from self-hate
 Free Your Self from childhood conditioning
 Heal Your relationships
 Live with clarity
 Find Your inner peace
 Be Your greatest authentic Self

Click here to schedule a call.

Much love you special beings!


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